Young Professional Summit

Sunday, January 26, 2025
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Boston Marriott Copley Place
Boston, MA

NEWEA and NEWWA are teaming up to host the annual Young Professionals (YP) Summit.  The YP Summit will bring together more than 100 Young Professionals in the water and wastewater industry to learn from industry leaders and network with fellow Young Professionals, mid-level “career expert” guests, and NEWEA and NEWWA executives from across New England.

The Committee has drafted an engaging program of panels, presentations, and networking sessions to help young professionals strengthen their leadership and technical skills and advance their water industry careers.

Below is a preliminary schedule, which is subject to change.

9:00 AM 10:00 AM

Check In & Coffee/Muffins

10:00 AM 10:15 AM

Welcome & Opening Remarks

10:30 AM 11:15 AM

Speed Networking

11:30 AM 12:15 PM

Career Panel

12:15 PM 1:00 PM


1:00 PM 1:40 PM

YP Panel

1:40 PM 2:20 PM

Technical Sessions
Moderators: Bryan Sandowski, AECOM
Daphne Short, NEIWPCC

Establishing Needs Areas for a Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan
Maeve Dineen, Weston & Sampson

Planning and Designing for Flood Resilience in a Changing Climate
Jessica Wala, Nitsch Engineering

2:20 PM 2:40 PM


2:40 PM 3:20 PM

Technical Sessions (Cont.)

CEC Removal Across the Water Cycle
Chelsea Phan, GHD

Exploring Alewife Cove Restoration Post-Disaster and Future Plans for the City of New London, CT, Town of Waterford, CT, and the Alewife Cove Conservancy
Mikayla Billiter, Arcadis

3:20 PM 3:25 PM

Mentor Recognition

3:25 PM 3:35 PM

Meme Contest

3:35 PM 3:55 PM

Water Trivia

3:55 PM 4:00 PM

Closing Remarks

Following the completion of the program, attendees are invited to enjoy a reception, which will be attended by experienced water industry professionals and members of NEWEA and NEWWA’s Executive Committees.

Note:  This event requires a separate registration from the Annual Conference.  Coffee, pastries, and lunch will be provided.


The Young Professionals Sponsorship Program offers exclusive opportunities to sponsor event badges, raffle tickets, the coffee break, and lunch, in addition to the traditional Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsor levels. Enrolling as a sponsor grants companies a variety of benefits, including complimentary registrations, inclusion of logo on program materials, and recognition during YP presentations at the event.

View the Sponsor Flyer to learn more and enroll as a sponsor.

For more information or questions, contact Emily Korot, Chair, Young Professionals Committee

Hosted by NEWEA and NEWWA

*This event is intended for professionals who have less than 5 years experience in the industry and are younger than 35 years old. Students in a Civil/Environment Engineering, Environmental Science, or related major are encouraged to attend.