Call for Presentations and Papers
NEWEA invites the submission of abstracts for professional papers or presentations at its Annual Conference and Exhibit. This prestigious conference consistently attracts more than 2200 engineers, consultants, scientists, operators, and students, and features a variety of technical sessions and more than 200 exhibitor displays. It provides an opportunity for professional exchange of information and state-of-the-art concepts in wastewater treatment and environmental issues.
In addition to traditional sessions, exciting new presentations are planned:
- Workforce Development: Submit topics on various water quality, wastewater treatment and/or environmental issues, as well as presentations related to our 2025 Annual Conference theme, Work for Water. View all Topics >>
- Operator Perspectives: Operators are encouraged to submit projects, ideas, and innovations developed to assist with maintenance, reduce costs, improve performance/efficiency at their facilities.
- Student Poster Competition: Designed for Graduate and Undergraduate Students to present water quality research topics.
Abstract submission deadline is June 14, 2024
All abstracts must be submitted using the online form. Authors and presenters will be notified of the acceptance of their papers in November 2024. Final papers, if being prepared, are due by January 3, 2025. Papers and presentations will be eligible for publication in the JOURNAL of the New England Water Environment Association. Session presentations may be limited to 20 minutes, with 10 minutes allowed for discussion.
For more information contact: NEWEA Program Committee Chair, Maureen Neville