Awards Ceremony

Awards Ceremony & Luncheon

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


The New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA), through its Awards Committee, has completed the year long process of nomination, selection and promotion of the 2024 slate of awards recipients.

These Awards recognize “the best of the best” of water quality professionals from within the 2,000-member NEWEA organization, plus additional “stars” from the Public Education, Journalism, Educational Institution, and Municipal Utility/Public Works community. Visit our awards program to learn more about the range of awards we present.

As always, the Awards Program will also include outstanding performance awards given by the US EPA New England Region.

The event is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (tickets required). Attendance is limited and is known to “sell out”.


Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Justin Bernstein, Greenwich, CT
Minchae Kim, Fryeburg, ME
Dylan Striek, Hopkinton, MA
Mihir Garimella, Nashua, NH
Alaina Zhang, Portsmouth, RI

NEWEA Scholarship
Environmental Major
Caleb Hagner, Northeastern University
Environmental Major
Jacob McCoy, University of Vermont

NEWEA Kate Biedron Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Long, University of Massachusetts
Isabelle Garand, University of Massachusetts



Alfred E. Peloquin Award
Jeff LeMay, South Windsor, CT
Howard Carter, Saco, ME
Karla Sangrey, Millbury, MA
Timothy Vadney, Portsmouth, NH
Kathryn Kelly, Providence, RI
Thomas Elwood, Milton, VT

Asset Management Award
John Jackman, Somersworth, NH

Biosolids Management Award
Janine Burke-Wells, Hope, RI

Clair N. Sawyer Award
Eddie Davies, Providence, RI

Committee Service Award
Faye DeMoura, Burlington, MA

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Leadership Award
Joanna Sullivan, Boston, MA

E. Sherman Chase Award
Paul Dombrowski, Northampton, MA

Elizabeth A. Cutone Executive Leadership Award
David Michelsen, Salem, MA

Founders Award
Phyllis Arnold Rand, Lewiston, ME

James J. Courchaine Collection Systems Award
Michael Collins, Beverly, MA

Operator Award
Graydon Stewart, Farmington, CT
Dan Laflamme, Wells, ME
Thomas Kapnis, Salem, MA
David Bailey, Sunapee, NH
Dave Bruno, North Kingstown, RI
Carrie LaFond, Fairhaven, VT

Past President’s Plaque and Pin
Robert Fischer, South Burlington, VT

Paul Keough Award
Greater Augusta Utility District, Augusta, ME

Green Steps Award
Town of Ipswich, Ipswich, MA

Wastewater Utility Management Award
City of Framingham, MA

Youth Educator Award
Annette Slone, York, ME

Young Professional Award
Justin Sannicandro, Goshen, CT




Arthur Sidney Bedell Award
Jennifer Kelly Lachmayr, Wakefield, MA

Laboratory Analyst Excellence Award
Thomas Hoad, Agawam, MA

WEF Operations Challenge Process Event Division I, Second Place*
Rising Sludge

William D. Hatfield Award
Frederick McNeill, Manchester, NH

Quarter Century Operator Award*
Vincent Melendez, Plymouth, NH
Philip Tucker, York, ME

WEF Operator Scholarship*
Carrie LaFond, Fairhaven, VT
Stacy Thompson, Saco, ME

George W. Burke, Jr. Award
Plymouth, MA WWTP

WEF Fellow*
John Esler, Enfield, NH

WEF Delegate-at-Large Award
Peter Garvey, Boston, MA

WEF Delegate Award
Raymond Vermette, Dover, NH

*Presented at WEFTEC 2024

US EPA – Region 1 New England Awards

Wastewater Treatment Plant O&M Excellence Award
Village of Orleans Wastewater Treatment Facility
John Morely, Orleans Village Manager
Newington Wastewater Treatment Plant
Ariel Wright, Project Manager
Cranston Water Pollution Control Facility
Earl Salisbury, Superintendent

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator of the Year Excellence Award
Rian Savage, University of Connecticut Water Resource Recovery Facility
Ernest Smalley, Hinsdale, NH WWTF
Jose Peralta-Monzon, Smithfield, RI WWTF
Thomas McGee, Smithfield, RI WWTF
Tristan MacGregor-Stewart, Plainfield, VT WWTF

Wastewater Trainer of the Year
Gary Bartlett, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Patrick Wiley, Southern Maine Community College

Industrial Pretreatment Program of the Year
York, Maine Sewer District
Theresa Tucker, Compliance Officer
MFN (Mansfield, Foxboro, Norton) Wastewater District
James Boliver, IPP Coordinator