Earn Educational Credits

Technical Sessions
NEWEA offers Training Contact Hours (TCHs) and Professional Development Hours (PDHs) for participation in technical sessions. Because technical sessions cover diverse topics ranging from the fundamentals to research, there is something for every attendee.

Exhibit Hall
Contact hours are given for time spent visiting the exhibit hall. The exhibit hall provides the opportunity to see the newest developments in water and wastewater technology and get firsthand demonstrations.

How many educational credits can I earn at the NEWEA Annual Conference?
This varies based on the state. At the NEWEA Annual Conference, you can earn up to 6.5 Training Contact Hours (TCHs) or Professional Development Hours (PDHs) per day by attending technical sessions and keynotes and spending time visiting the exhibit hall.*

What do I need to know?
NEWEA calculates educational credits following a standardized method that is widely accepted by many certification and licensing agencies; however, many states differ in the types and/or numbers of credits they will approve for educational events. Because of this, participants are responsible for exploring their state requirements and for ensuring that credits are accepted. Please remember that NEWEA will provide a certificate within 4-6 weeks after the conference to attendees; however, most states require the individual licensee to report continuing education credits.

How do I earn educational credits at NEWEA Annual Conference?
In order to receive educational credits from sessions and/or the keynotes*, you must have the barcode on your badge scanned by the Session Moderator when you enter and leave a session. If you switch sessions at the break, you must be scanned out when leaving the first session and scanned in when arriving at the second session. To receive credit for visiting the exhibit hall, attendees must use the self scan stations on the 3rd and 4th floor of the Exhibit Hall.

*Please Note:  Many states differ in the types and/or numbers of credits they will approve for specific educational events.  Because of this, participants are responsible for exploring their state requirements and for ensuring that NEWEA credits are accepted.


2025 Annual Conference TCH Approvals

  • MA, NH, and RI: 2.0 per session, 1.0 for Monday Keynote, 1.5 for Tuesday Plenary Session, and 1.0 per day in Exhibit Hall.
  • CT: 2.0 per session, 1.0 for Monday Keynote, 1.5 for Tuesday Plenary Session
    • Please note, the Exhibit Hall is NOT approved.
  • VT: 2.0 per session, 1.0 for Monday Keynote, 1.5 for Tuesday Plenary Session, 
    • Please note: Sessions 11, 18, 22, 29, and 31 the Exhibit Hall are NOT approved.
  • ME: 2.0 per session, 1.0 for Monday Keynote, and 1.0 per day in Exhibit Hall.
    • Please note: Sessions 2, 5, 11, 18, 22, 31, and 37 are NOT approved
      •  Please also note, Sessions 8, 13, 16, 27, 28, 29, 30 are approved for 2.0 and the Tuesday Plenary Session is approved for 1.5 “Management” TCHs – up to 6 TCHs per renewal cycle may be a combination of Safety and/or Management topics.